People of Color in Green Spaces (POCIGS) is a minority and veteran-owned company established in 2021. POCIGS is a company focused on ensuring that green sustainability infrastructure, education, and opportunities are accessible to everyone. Sustainability plays a critical role in creating a safe environment for the current and future generations, especially in the most vulnerable underserved communities of black, brown, and indigenous people of color (BIPOC). POCIGS champions the urgency of climate change, provides guidance and consultation on the use and implementation of low-carbon infrastructure and clean energy methodologies, and ensures accessibility of information and opportunities to the BIPOC community. POCIGS takes action by creatively bringing equitable representation into the industry, directly consulting with and connecting with industry professionals, public public-private partners, and establishing pipelines for jobs through workforce development to ensure equitable outcomes in BIPOC communities.

A Message From The Founder
Even in the most dire of times during the COVID-19 pandemic around the globe, the focus on green sustainability must be embedded in OUR cultures. Sustainability remains a critical part in securing future generations, especially in the most vulnerable underserved communities of black and brown people. Sustainability work must continue to be championed to ensure greenhouse gases are reduced through clean energy methods by using the cleanest resources available. It’s now time to take action in connecting with industry professionals and partners to get educated and create a job pipeline in OUR communities.
Philip Saunders MCFE, DSL, LSSBB

Our Team
POCIGS is a people of color-focused, driven company, comprised of various consultants, workforce development trainers, government relation agents, planners, and outreach specialists. Our team has extensive backgrounds and experience in multiple discipline areas along with the know-how, resources, and support to leverage and make sustainable change in communities by understanding the needs of the community and delivering services equitably.
Collective Experience
50+ Years of Managing Government Programs
250M+ Grant & Contracting Awards
10+ Sustainability-Related Government Action Plans
25+ Facilitated Training Projects Nationwide
30+ Large Electrification Infrastructure Projects
25+ Statewide Workforce Development Projects